With the Tempature still cold enough to see your breath, Ronnie Shaw part of the “TOO MUCH FUN” hot air balloon team holds one of the lines as the rest of the team fills the balloon, just as the art street festival starts its second day in Alpine Texas.

Arthuro Gonzalez of El Paso Texas helps attach a Texas star to a veteran’s memorial in Valentine Texas Friday afternoon. The Memorial was build by Gonzalez and other volunteers; all materials were either donated or were purchased with donated funds. The Memorial had its official showing Saturday afternoon.
Jonathan Jefferson holds up a sign in protest of the pro-life demonstration that was put up on campus Monday morning. The pro-life group Justice for All was asked by Aggies for Life to come and display their exhibit showing fetuses after abortions along with possible post- abortion health risks for women. Jefferson was the only pro-choice protester Monday, but was joined by members of the National Abortion Rights Action League on Tuesday.
Chris Hutchinson former running back for the Mayfield high school Trojans, who is now a defensive back injured his leg and is out for the 2006 season. The team had high hopes that Hutchinson would be one of the top players this season. With his injury he is still on the team and after observing him he seems to keep the other players going. I shot this while Hutchinson was talking to another injured teammate.
I went to shoot equestrian Saturday morning. I was watching this horse getting brushed and washed. When I walked over to shoot this, the horse got curious about my camera, when I hit my shutter her ears perked up.