I had my interview at the Valley Morning Star today. Along with the standard interview they asked me to go shoot some assignments, here are a few pics that were extras from what made it in the paper.
Alex Hinojosa Jr watches as demolition crews tear down the old club house at the Harlingen Country Club Tuesday Nov. 18, 2008
Shot this through the window of a car while waiting for a red light.
Went to the Miramar Air Show this past weekend. After a day of planes and wandering around the air station came THE WALL! (tons of explosives lined the runway.)
After a long drive, I had a chance to just hang out and shoot some photos. Went to a mid school football game it was fun. Those kids really play hard, they seem to just enjoy being on the field.
As the regular season comes to a close, the Vikings continue to push themselves during practice. These guys amaze me, they come to practice and games giving all they have and then go to work the next day. All that commitment to the game without the reward of money or endorsements.