Friday, August 12, 2016

Wandering through the green, getting lost in light.

The feeling of going and moving, working all the time, shooting for newspapers and other clients, trying to make time for my own work - all of it is hard. The past few weeks have been non-stop, along with work, I ran into some car situations that drained my bank account and just put me in a shitty mood. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Local Politics

Ok so we have all seen the insanity of the national political scene billowing out of newspapers and radio/TV stations. In Texas, I’ve been covering the more local variety, often just as crazy, political elections. The race for Texas House Seat 54 has just been nutty.  The mailers the two republican candidates, Scott Cosper and Austin Ruiz, sent out following the primary in March and during the runoff were simply beyond any measure of normal mudslinging in this photog’s humble opinion. One event included “an open letter” to Ruiz, wherein Cosper implied that the eye doctor hired a private investigator to comb through the medical records of one of his children. Ruiz went with a modern style and took to social media to attack on Cosper.

Monday, May 09, 2016

Where I'm at...

My blog hiatus is officially over -  like I was ever a regular blogger. "I'm going to do my very best to change that now." I say as the running monologue in my head says, "Ha! Don't fool yourself, Mr. Bachman." Anyway, back to the point.